on Tuesday, November 25, 2008

  • First of all congratulations and warm welcome to the Mobile Income Family. You are going to enter in mobile networking by joining Our listed Sites.
  • No more pay your mobile phone bills and allow your mobile phone to pay it.
  • Our Site launches mobile income plan which not only makes your mobile phone capable of making money enough to pay its own bills but you can also get huge Income from Mobile

How it Works :

  • As we know companies use different types of advertisements to attract customers. Online advertisement is becoming popular among companies now a days.

  • We have found the new method of advertisement that also benefit our members. After signing with your mobile phone number, we send SMS about new products and services related to your interests .

  • We collect these SMS from different advertisers who are interested in mobile marketing. We share a percentage of fees charged to the advertisers to our members.

  • Now what you are thinking, get connected with Our Sites as soon as possible, so that you can fulfill your dreams. Grow your Network and EARN on SMS sent to your referrals too!

If You Sign up for one site you can EARN DAILY Rs2000-Rs5000 .

Best of Luck for your bright Future !